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Paramedical Course In One Year by RKIMT

₹ 30000
इस विज्ञापन को रेट करें
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बिल्कुल नहीं बहुत ज्यादा संभावना
सुरक्षा टिप्स: क्लिकइंडिया केवल विभिन्न उपयोगकर्ताओं के विज्ञापन की मेजबानी में शामिल है... अधिक जानिए
Paramedical Course In One Year by RKIMT
मूल्य - ₹ 30000
मूल्य - 30000
Service Type - On Online/Call
Course Name - Paramedical Course in One Year
Rkimt (March-2024 से पंजीकृत) ने 3 दिन पहले इस विज्ञापन को पोस्ट किया था
Paramedical courses can be pursued to train students in the field of the health sector. These Paramedical courses prepare medical support teams, diagnostic teams and personnel required for patient care. Paramedical admission offer diverse opportunities in the healthcare sector, equipping students with specialized skills to support medical professionals and improve patient care. With the growing demand for healthcare services, paramedical professionals are essential to the efficient functioning of medical facilities. Best Paramedical degree program are the courses which are aimed at providing education to the people for a number of fields that are association with medical field and related health care services. The courses in question cover the competencies necessary for students to work as healthcare assistants in diagnosing and treating patient ailments. Paramedical personnel are considered an important segment of the population, whose work is closely connected to doctors and nurses.
विज्ञापनदाता प्रोफाइल
Rkimt द्वारा पोस्ट किया गया
Rkimt से संपर्क करें ( मोबाइल सत्यापित)
Gaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

सन्देश भेजें
सन्देश भेजें
पता : Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
इस विज्ञापन में रुचि रखने वाले ग्राहकों को इनमे भी रुचि थी
नोएडा में Paramedical Course In One Year की तरह के विज्ञापन

नोएडा में सबसे ज्यादा देखी गयी दूरस्थ शिक्षा

Rkimt द्वारा पोस्ट किये गए अन्य विज्ञापन
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